Faithful Business Coach | Make Money Online, Mindset Inspiration, Grow in your Christian Faith.

The Perfect Podcast for Christian Mamas who were Created & Made for MORE! You are ready to Walk in your Calling, Build that Generational Wealth, and Glorify God doing it! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 You are tired of feeling like a failure because you have no purpose outside of motherhood... You’ve been desperate to earn money online but you just don’t know how because you think you have to have a degree? Maybe you’ve tried all the MLM’s and are so tired of selling to your friends and family? You just need a proven step by step roadmap to get you there? Do you want to build wealth and create financial freedom? Are you trapped in messy habits and struggle with feeling unworthy of creating wealth? Maybe you feel guilty for wanting more? Do you sometimes wonder who you are and you feel it in your soul you were created for more? Friend, I know you and God sees YOU! My name is Jennifer Brown. I am a Christian, wife, and stay at home mom turned entrepreneur! I am an Online Business Coach and I specialize in Christian Mindset. I have been right where you are, I started my online business right in the midst of chaos. I had some really bad habits, my house was a mess and so was my spiritual life. I struggled with feeling unqualified to do what God had called me to do. I struggled reading my Bible daily and I didn’t know how to study scripture. Do you see a crash and burn coming soon? Because it did. I quit my business and went on an 8 Month journey to find out who God created me to be. On my soul search I had to get strategic with my habits and I dug into my Bible and into prayer. I had to get rid of limiting beliefs that would keep me from creating wealth. I had to surrender control, and do business God’s way. And won’t he do it?! This podcast will equipped you with spiritual disciplines that are foundational to your spiritual growth, powerful mindset shifts to propel you to make massive moves in your business and build that business God’s way! You will learn strategic ways to create new habits that actually change YOU! Girl, he wants riches and wealth for you and your family! You are a daughter of the one true living King! Straighten your crown and get ready to soar new heights of freedom, that you’ve never had or felt before. This is where chains will fall, as you discover your identity in Christ, and finally build wealth and be ALL he created you to be. Tune in every week for encouragement on how to do faith and business together. Be Blessed and Let’s Build & Prosper! *Next Steps* Go Follow me on Socials .

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Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Hey Sis,
Sometimes we find ourselves growing weary instead of growing wealthy. In this episode I dive into what you should be focusing on and how you can grow and reap a wonderful harvest! 
We have to fix our eyes on Jesus and when we do this, we can't go wrong! Give it a listen and let me know what goodies you walked away with! 
You can even leave a 5 star review, as this is a huge "Thank You" to me! 
Next Steps! Go Follow me:
If you're interested in starting your own online business,
Go check out my FREE Masterclass at 
Where I share the 3 Secrets you need to know before Starting your Online Business as a Christian Entrepreneur! đź’•
See you on the inside! 
 Love, Jenn!

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Hey Sis, 
I want success for you in your life and in your business! I don't want you making these mistakes and sabotaging your calling. I want you to thrive in all areas of your life and want you growing you bank account and your business! When we let God guide us we can't go wrong! 
So in this episode I go over the 4 things that are keeping you from success! Give it a listen and I pray you are so blessed by this and can start implementing today! 
You can even leave a 5 star review, as this is a huge "Thank You" to me! 
Next Steps! Go Follow me:
If you're interested in starting your own online business,
Go check out my FREE Masterclass at 
Where I share the 3 Secrets you need to know before Starting your Online Business as a Christian Entrepreneur! đź’•
See you on the inside! 
 Love, Jenn!


Thursday Feb 08, 2024

Thursday Feb 08, 2024

Are you tired of your life being a little bit of a mess?
You stay up too late and neglect your house work to work on your business? 
Maybe you haven’t started that business yet but you want to get rid of that debt that is constantly reminding you of the freedom that you don’t have??
You’ve been desperate to earn money online but you just don’t know how?
Are you trapped in messy habits and struggle with feeling unworthy of creating wealth?  
Maybe you feel guilty for wanting more? 
Do you sometimes wonder who you are and you feel it in your soul you were created for more? 
Friend, I know you and God sees YOU! 
  My name is Jennifer Brown. I am a Christian, wife, and stay at home mom turned entrepreneur! I am an Online Business Coach and I specialize in Christian Mindset. I have been right where you are, I started my online business right in the midst of chaos. I had some really bad habits, my house was a mess and so was my spiritual life. I struggled with feeling unqualified to do what God had called me to do. I struggled reading my Bible daily and I didn’t know how to study scripture. 
Do you see a crash and burn coming soon? Because it did. I quit my business and went on an 8 Month journey to find out who God created me to be. On my soul search I had to get strategic with my habits and I dug into my Bible and into prayer. I had to get rid of limiting beliefs that would keep me from creating wealth. 
I had to surrender control, and do business God’s way. And won’t he do it?! 
This podcast will equipped you with spiritual disciplines that are foundational to your spiritual growth, powerful mindset shifts to propel you to make massive moves in your business and build that business God’s way! You will learn strategic ways to create new habits that actually change YOU! 
 Girl, he wants riches and wealth for you and your family! You are a daughter of the one true living King! Straighten your crown and get ready to soar new heights of freedom, that you’ve never had or felt before. This is where chains will fall, as you discover your identity in Christ, and finally build wealth and be ALL he created you to be. 
Tune in every week for encouragement on how to do faith and business together.
Next Steps! Go Follow me:
If you're interested in starting your own online business,
Go check out my FREE Masterclass at 
Where I share the 3 Secrets you need to know before Starting your Online Business as a Christian Entrepreneur! đź’•
See you on the inside! 
 Love, Jenn!

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